Turn your failure into power

Turn your failure into power 1024x683 min

Shannon here with a beautiful secret about our failures. I actually discovered it while talking with Ketut, a spiritual man in Bali.   He invited us to his home for a private family ceremony and I learned SO much!     We were sitting outside his home, waiting for his extended family to arrive for […]

How to Get More Strategy Sessions

How to Get More Strategy Sessions

Shannon here with a HOT (and super-simple) speaking strategy to get more strategy sessions. As you know, one of our big “Speaking Secrets” is NOT to sell on stage (like most struggling Speakers). Instead – give them a Strategy Session for FREE. We’ve found the best way to enroll clients is through strategy sessions. Which […]

Riding an elephant in BALI


Mark here…riding an elephant with my beautiful bride in the jungle. I never thought life could be so magically sweet. I want you to read the following post for one simple reason: I want you to ride YOUR elephant.   What is YOUR “elephant” you might ask… what are your big goals and dreams? I […]

I felt so embarrassed….

I felt so embarrassed 1024x675 1 min

As a Conscious Business Owners – this might be one of your deeper challenges you’ll need to breakthrough in 2016. Quick story: I remember at one of the first Meetups Mark & I put on. This was already our 4th Meetup and I was hoping to see more butts in seats ;)…. so when I […]

Take More Pictures

Take More Pictures 1024x713 min

When Tony Robbins or Marianne Williamson got started as Conscious Speakers a few decades ago – they had a TON of obstacles we’ll never have. Shannon here with one of the easiest strategies you and I can do today – that was either impossible or insanely expensive back in the day. Mark and I call […]

Show Up With This Energy for Your Strategy Sessions

Show Up With This Energy for Your Strategy Sessions 1024x683 min

Mark here…and I just got off a call with one of our Big Impact University clients. They were frustrated to the brink that yet another potential client did NOT enroll. I was digging to find out why. After all – they knew everything they needed to so their Tribe member would enroll. Then it became […]

Wet & Wild In BALI!


OMG! You HAVE to check this out. I can’t believe it myself…but…Mark and I just got back from a WET & WILD trip to Thailand and Bali. HOT!!!   There was even a morning when Mark and I were on this beach. It was 10am, the sand was white, water clear as the sky and […]

Speaking & broke? So was I…

Speaking broke

When we have new clients sign up for Big Impact University they always say, “Wow, how did you master the enrollment conversation so well? You only started 2 years ago!” Mark here – and yes, thankfully Shannon and I started from scratch and within our first 10 months generated over $400,000. But I admit – […]

Say These 2 Words First Thing in the AM

Say These 2 Words First Thing in the AM

How you wake up effects your entire day. Common sense? Yep. Common practice by Conscious Business Owners.   Not always. Shannon here to share 2 words you need to use so your day ROCKS. Instead of waking up to the overwhelm of “I don’t have enough money” or “ahh, I have so much to do, […]

Only 9 People Showed Up To Her Meetup…But Then!

Only 9 People Showed Up To Her Meetup 1024x768 min

Shannon here to help you overcome your #1 biggest “Speaking Worry”. After helping 1000’s of Conscious Speakers just like you – Mark and I know that if you’re not yet making $10,000 a month – this worry can be overwhelming and causing debilitating fear.     “But what if only a few people show up?!”   Which […]