Turn your failure into power
Shannon here with a beautiful secret about our failures. I actually discovered it while talking with Ketut, a spiritual man in Bali. He invited us to his home for a private family ceremony and I learned SO much! We were sitting outside his home, waiting for his extended family to arrive for […]
How to Get More Strategy Sessions
Shannon here with a HOT (and super-simple) speaking strategy to get more strategy sessions. As you know, one of our big “Speaking Secrets” is NOT to sell on stage (like most struggling Speakers). Instead – give them a Strategy Session for FREE. We’ve found the best way to enroll clients is through strategy sessions. Which […]
Riding an elephant in BALI
Mark here…riding an elephant with my beautiful bride in the jungle. I never thought life could be so magically sweet. I want you to read the following post for one simple reason: I want you to ride YOUR elephant. What is YOUR “elephant” you might ask… what are your big goals and dreams? I […]
I felt so embarrassed….
As a Conscious Business Owners – this might be one of your deeper challenges you’ll need to breakthrough in 2016. Quick story: I remember at one of the first Meetups Mark & I put on. This was already our 4th Meetup and I was hoping to see more butts in seats ;)…. so when I […]
Take More Pictures
When Tony Robbins or Marianne Williamson got started as Conscious Speakers a few decades ago – they had a TON of obstacles we’ll never have. Shannon here with one of the easiest strategies you and I can do today – that was either impossible or insanely expensive back in the day. Mark and I call […]
Show Up With This Energy for Your Strategy Sessions
Mark here…and I just got off a call with one of our Big Impact University clients. They were frustrated to the brink that yet another potential client did NOT enroll. I was digging to find out why. After all – they knew everything they needed to so their Tribe member would enroll. Then it became […]
Wet & Wild In BALI!
OMG! You HAVE to check this out. I can’t believe it myself…but…Mark and I just got back from a WET & WILD trip to Thailand and Bali. HOT!!! There was even a morning when Mark and I were on this beach. It was 10am, the sand was white, water clear as the sky and […]
Speaking & broke? So was I…
When we have new clients sign up for Big Impact University they always say, “Wow, how did you master the enrollment conversation so well? You only started 2 years ago!” Mark here – and yes, thankfully Shannon and I started from scratch and within our first 10 months generated over $400,000. But I admit – […]
Say These 2 Words First Thing in the AM
How you wake up effects your entire day. Common sense? Yep. Common practice by Conscious Business Owners. Not always. Shannon here to share 2 words you need to use so your day ROCKS. Instead of waking up to the overwhelm of “I don’t have enough money” or “ahh, I have so much to do, […]
Only 9 People Showed Up To Her Meetup…But Then!
Shannon here to help you overcome your #1 biggest “Speaking Worry”. After helping 1000’s of Conscious Speakers just like you – Mark and I know that if you’re not yet making $10,000 a month – this worry can be overwhelming and causing debilitating fear. “But what if only a few people show up?!” Which […]