Become The Go-to Leader For Your Tribe
How To Use ‘Personal Branding’ to Be The “Go-To” Leader For Your Tribe With so many coaches, healers and experts out there, offering more or less what you offer, how do you set yourself apart from them? How do you become the Go-To Leader for YOUR Tribe, no matter how many other leaders are […]
The HOT & FAST way to find your perfect audience
Mark and I get asked this all the time: “How can I find my PERFECT audience?” We love this question! So just before we reveal to you our hot tips to find your perfect audience, here’s the back story. Shannon here and after working with 1000’s of clients all over the world, Mark and I […]
How to find VENUES to Speak at
Really exciting news. How would you like to be speaking at a local event, sharing your big impact message, within the next 12 days? Well here’s the great news – you absolutely can and we’re going to show you how in this post. Probably the biggest mistake Conscious Business Owners and Speakers make when trying […]
If you’re a Conscious Business Owner or Speaker, what you’re about to read will light your ass on fire! Mark here, and one of the biggest challenges we face as Conscious Business Owners is running a business while being true to our purpose and soul. The thing is that until I came across the genius […]
How To Overcome Your Fears
Hey, How do you overcome your fears? What most leaders aren’t addressing enough (or at all) is how freaking hard it is to get over your fears. Seriously – how do you move forward in your work as a Conscious Business Owner when the minute you get to work, this shows up: “What if I […]
3 Ways We Turn Our Stress Into Pure Ecstasy
“Seriously?! WTF! Can you BeLIEVE what they just did?!” Shannon here and I have a confession… we get stressed. From helping 1000’s of clients to creating awesome new content to managing a full team and our own energies – stress happens. But Mark and I discovered this kick-ass formula we now use anytime we get […]
How To Give A Talk That Sells
Mark here with something you already know. People listen to 20% of WHAT you say and 80% of HOW you say it. So if you’re on stage giving a talk, most of what you’re saying is NOT being listened to. Your Tribe is listening to your inner vibrations more than the practiced scripts you’re saying. […]
3 Ways To Start A Movement
Your message and movement is not a luxury or something far off in the distant future. The furious desire you have to create a movement, seeing your Tribe’s transformation right in front of your eyes is literally in front of your eyes. In today’s Big Impact Newsletter, you’re about to learn how to rapidly grow […]
5K In 3 hours – Monetize Your Message
How Sarah Made $5,000 In 3 hours After We Had Tea True Story – you’re going to love it. This was a deciding moment for me, when I knew my calling was to help others manifest THEIR big impact in the world. But not at all how you’d think. Here’s the story. Sarah is a […]
How To Purposefully Answer, ‘So What Is It That You Do? – Work With Purpose
This is a question we get over and over from the Big Impact Tribe: “People ask me what I do? And I just don’t know what to answer! Help!” You have such a powerful message that it feels impossible to distill to a few words, right? You’re filled with such desire to make a difference […]