Why Your Business Is The Best Spiritual Practice of Your Life

Why Your Business Is The Best Spiritual Practice of Your Life 1024x683 min

Shannon here with the worst mistake I see conscious business owners make over and over. This is a mistake that not only prevents them from growing their impact in the world – but it guarantees their business is filled with anxiety, stress and overwhelm. I have to admit – this is something Mark & I […]

Enroll more clients with this 1 line

Enroll more clients with this 1 line 1024x683 min

Mark here and I am jittery about what I’m about to share with you. Only because I know how hard it is for the Tribe to make this deeply needed shift. And until you do, signing up clients will keep on feeling painful and heavy (instead of fun and awesome). I know – because it […]

How Oprah Reached The Masses – How To Reach The Masses

How Oprah Reached The Masses

One of the biggest challenges the Big Soul of our Tribe faces is: “I have so much to share– I need to reach more people” That’s a challenge because of what follows directly after it: “…so how do I do that?”   A frustrating reality for Visionaries like yourself could be that “only” 15 people […]

The #1 Mistake Every Public Speaker Makes

Mistake Every Speaker Makes

Mark here – and not sure if you know, but back in my “Corporate Days,” I used to work in Radio. I ran massive radio campaigns for some of the most recognized big businesses in the world. But I kept on seeing the same mistake when these companies ran their Radio campaigns. They didn’t have […]

Should I just get a J.O.B

Should I just get a J.O.B 1024x738 min

Mark here and let me ask you, have you asked yourself this question recently: “I’m doing everything right and nothing’s working…maybe I should just get a J.O.B”   Painful to hear – but even more painful when you’re actually considering getting a J.O.B… Because I have great news for you – YOU DON’T! Listen, this […]

10 Powerful Steps To Manifest Miracles In Your Life & Business


How do you manifest miracles? It’s hard to admit, but my biggest problem isn’t getting clients. It’s not even making enough money or feeling passionate about my work. My biggest problem is that I’m afraid. – I’m afraid that when I talk to a prospect they’ll say no. – I’m worried that when I’m on […]

Breaking Down Super Bowl Commercials

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What an amazing game! The Patriots now hold the record for the biggest come from behind victory in NFL Super Bowl history. There was some history made in the TV commercial side of the game as well. The focus on diversity & inclusion was a powerful political theme that ran through just about every commercial […]

A Simple Way To Inspire Others To Spread Your Message

A Simple Way To Inspire Others To Spread Your Message Spread Your Message

If you CRAVE to spread your message in a bigger way – we have a simple and ‘oh so powerful principle to help you do just that 🙂 So here it is: Ask for it. Ask for your tribe in your speaking engagements, events, networking, meetups, webinars or even with email. It would go something […]

4 Ways To Get Relaxed – How To Get Relaxed

4 Ways To Get Relaxed How To Get Relaxed 1024x709 min

It’s a dark secret in our industry. Barely talked about or acknowledged…if not ignored completely. Shannon here – and today’s Big Impact blog is about something close to our hearts:   HOW TO GET RELAXED   A colleague of ours recently had heart problems because they over-worked themselves. Another had to end their partnership and […]