Isolated? Then Get In Bed With THIS
Shannon here with the most inspiring thing you can do to light your butt on fire with massive action. And it’s not what you think – because it’s not at all about you. You see, we’re always getting asked how our Big Impact University students get such ridiculously amazing results, so quickly. Many going from […]
Overwhelmed? Use this ‘G-Spot’ trick
She was overwhelmed staring at the pile of painful bills waiting to be opened on her kitchen table. She was exhausted, had enough and needed a change. Her debt, overdue bills and desire for abundance was starting to feel like a constant heart burn. Which is why my ‘G-Spot’ strategy was the perfect solution when […]
The Best Answer To: “Is This What I’m Supposed To Be Doing?”
Here’s the hardest question Mark and I get asked: “Is this what I’m SUPPOSED to be doing?” After all – God knows how many amazing things you COULD be doing. You’re filled with so much talent, you have so many ideas and you know you have SO much to give to the world. So is […]
Why You’re Too Hard On Yourself
The frustration in not having enough clients… Or getting the kind of speaking gigs you dream of… Or enough money at the end of the month… Has nothing to do with clients, speaking or your income. But that feeling of frustration is preventing you from enrolling more clients, getting more speaking gigs and enjoying the […]
Meet 3 Messengers Who Became (6 Figure) Rock Stars
After the response we got last week from sharing with you just 3 of our new Big Impact Rock Stars – we decided to share with you 3 more! Together, we’re making a real ripple effect. Because we’re not only turning messengers into Rock Stars – but these Change Agent Rock Stars are saving people’s […]
Meet Big Impact’s Newest Rock Stars
WOW, Big Impact Live was HOTTER than ever. People have been calling it a mix between a Rock Concert, a Tony Robbins event and a delicious retreat that deeply feeds the soul. But the most IMPORTANT part is how the Tribe who attends – goes home with serious results. Shannon here and today I’m going […]
How to overcome SELF DOUBT & FEAR
It seems as if the programming that we’ve received as children, young adults and even as older adults can keep us stuck in a certain way of being. It’s our programming that keeps us from speaking on more stages. And it’s that same programming that runs our blood pressure sky high when we hear ourselves […]
Have you ever wondered why you’re having an enrollment conversation with a potential client, and you thought, “Why aren’t they saying YES??!?” Mark here, and today I’m going to reveal to you the ‘inner game truth’ why sometimes your Tribe says YES and sometimes, painfully they say NO to your offer. And it boils down […]
The Relationship between MIRACLES & MARKETING
Everyone knows that if you rock your marketing, you’ll rock your way to millions. But in the age of conscious entrepreneurship, the key to effective marketing is making LOVE the bottom line, not profits. Mark here, and what you’re about to learn will help your soul understand why business and marketing will help you achieve […]
This 1 strategy will explode your speaking gigs
The reason you’re about to say, “That’s too easy” – is because it’s true. But don’t let the hallucination of “easy” distract you from taking action and doing it. Shannon here with one strategy you need to do to get more speaking gigs. So if you’d like to book yourself solid with speaking gigs in […]