Show Up With This Energy for Your Strategy Sessions

Show Up With This Energy for Your Strategy Sessions 1024x683 min

Mark here…and I just got off a call with one of our Big Impact University clients.

They were frustrated to the brink that yet another potential client did NOT enroll.

I was digging to find out why.

After all – they knew everything they needed to so their Tribe member would enroll.

Then it became clear as day why no one was enrolling with them.

Because you can have all the “strategy” in the world, but if you don’t have THIS – you’ll never enroll one client.

Shannon and I want you to feel in your blood that you need two levels of mastery to enroll clients:




Our client did not lack strategy.

He lacked energy.

Yes, there’s a ton of energy work we do inside our Big Impact University events.

For now – I want you to master the following level of energy in your strategy sessions:




When your Tribe feels that YOU are a master – they’ll enroll.

But if you’re concerned if they’ll pay you, and you need more money, and maybe you should be doing something else, or maybe you should do some other strategy….or maybe this…maybe that…

…that conveys a lack of leadership and mastery that your Tribe will feel.

When they need a leader but feel that you’re not showing up as a leader for them – they won’t be able to enroll.

They need YOU to show up with the energy of Mastery.

This is exactly what I told our client.

His clients will trust him so deeply that they’ll pay him (very, very well) – when they FEEL that he is the MASTER.

But when he’s emitting vibrations of “what if….” – then they will too…and they won’t enroll.

So here’s the “writer downer”:


When you emit the energy of Mastery, your Tribe will emit the energy of “Tribe” and enroll.


The more your energy is aligned with a leader, the more your Tribe will align as your devoted follower.

Be HOT and comment below:


What energy do you show up with during strategy sessions?


In your corner and by your side,
Mark & Shannon

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