How To Give A Talk That Sells

How to give a 35 minute talk that SELLS

Mark here with something you already know.

People listen to 20% of WHAT you say and 80% of HOW you say it. So if you’re on stage giving a talk, most of what you’re saying is NOT being listened to.

Your Tribe is listening to your inner vibrations more than the practiced scripts you’re saying.

So today, I’m going to help you master the world’s most important skill in communication:

How to give a talk that SELLS without being at all salesy.

I’m going to share with you 3 different kinds of ‘tones’ to affect in your Tribe a specific desire to hire you.

Remember, even if you have the words – you need to know HOW to say them so they listen, pay close attention, and end up hiring you.

1. Start With Your ‘Personal Voice’


When you get up on stage and people are giving you less than 3 minutes to get their attention – how do you GET their attention?

What’s the First Mental Image you can use to capture their heart and mind?

Think of how you greet a friend you just love hanging out with.

How do you say hi?

How do you begin the conversation?

What feeling do you convey?

What’s the overall feeling at the beginning?

THAT’S your ‘Personal Voice’.

It’s perfect to start your talk so people’s internal critic immediately turns off.

Because 80% is listening to HOW you talk, when your audience hears your ‘Personal Voice’ – their subconscious says this is something good to listen to.

Just like a friend they love.

2. Deliver Your Main Point With Your ‘Authority Voice’


When it comes time to deliver your main point.

Whether that’s the transition into your offer or your main piece of content – deliver it with your ‘Authority Voice’.

Just think of how absolutely crucial this point is for your audience to hear.

Think of Mickey coaching Rocky before fighting Apollo (I know I’m dating myself, but come on, we LOVE ROCKY!)

Mickey needed to convey, not in words but in tone, how crucial this opportunity is for Rocky to take advantage of.

He conveyed it with his ‘Authority Voice’.

The way this works Psychologically is that once a relationship has been established (‘Personal Voice’), you’re ready to accept this person who you trust as an Authority.

And when you deliver your main point with Authority, it enters the emotional part of your Tribe’s brain.

Which means they’re hearing you very clearly and will remember it.


3. Conclude With Your ‘Precious Quiet Voice’


This is very interesting.

When you speak loudly people get loud, but when you speak in a whisper, people become quiet to listen closely.

Because our brain is trained to pay attention to things said quietly.

It means it’s important and urgent.

So when you conclude your talk, your offer or add a final bonus before you end – conclude with your ‘Precious Quiet Voice’ so people are at the edge of their seats…. anxious to run up to you after your talk to be the first to sign up.

These 3 awesome tones to use are just the tip of the iceberg to Speak Your Path To Cash.

As you probably know by now, Shannon and I created a 3 Day LIVE EVENT that gives you EVERYTHING you need to make $10K a month (and serve more people) from small speaking gigs in your own backyard.

In our first 10 months, we generated over $400,000… without a website… and without a business card.

How’d we do it?  Through SPEAKING!

We created this event so we could reveal the nuts and bolts of exactly how we did it- and how you can too!

Seriously, you can do this – and we’re offering FULL SCHOLARSHIPS (valued at $997)
to get you started.

Check out more about Big Impact Live now >>

Comment below which tone you’ve used in your talks that got people to take action.

We’d LOVE to hear from you!


In your corner and by your side,
Mark & Shannon

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