3 Insider Tips To Book More Speaking Gigs This Month
Please raise your hand if you know you have a powerful message to share with the world, but you’re struggling to fill your calendar with speaking gigs… You have decided that 2018 is YOUR year to be a sought-after speaker. You’ve set aside time over the last couple of weeks to really dedicate yourself to […]
Use Public Speaking To Double Your Income
Public Speaking and The 3 Phases of Business: Part 1 It’s as if the SPINNING NEVER STOPS… a limitless amount of misinformation comes at you like a firehose to teacup. You’re confused, unclear & simply overwhelmed. The world of business can be a really confusing place. And unfortunately, even when people spend $100,000/yr on grad […]
Public Speaking and The 3 Phases of Business: Part 2
What a THRILLING ride… this journey of business ownership! Full of twists and turns and ups and downs… the life of an Entrepreneur is never dull. One moment you’re on fire and kickin’ ass and the next you’re overwhelmed and steeped in what feels like failure. If you haven’t yet read the last article on […]
Public Speaking and The 3 Phases of Business: Part 3
Phase 3: Automation & Scale – Money While You Sleep FREEDOM BABY! It’s that elusive enigma all Entrepreneurs strive to achieve. And while the lifestyle of an Entrepreneur has built into a lot more freedom of choice over a J.O.B. – actual FREEDOM… takes years of long hours and hard work. Now that you’ve got […]
Public Speaking: 3 Simple Steps That Boost Business
Public Speaking ROCKS! It just does. If you’ve been following our blog, or attended any of our live events, then you already know the deal: public speaking is the FASTEST way to grow your business and make a bigger difference. It sets you up for BIG success. When you have an audience right there in […]
A Surprising Way To Discover Your Life’s Purpose
We definitely struggled through the years to feel like we really “knew” our life’s purpose. And our clients have told us countless times how seriously they take “fulfilling their purpose.” We get it. When you know you’re soul’s purpose, you have an obligation to live it and fulfill it. Shannon and I created a tool […]
10 Steps To Close Your Next Client
10 STEPS TO CLOSE YOUR NEXT CLIENT IN A 30 MINUTE SOULFUL CONVERSATION You’re finally on the phone with your prospect, excited to offer them your life changing program that your soul was meant to deliver in this world and the big problem drops: How do you land a new client while being authentic […]
Your COMFORT ZONE is your MONEY zone
Shannon here with a wake up call about playing it “safe” as a Speaker. Hear me when I say: Your comfort zone is your money zone. Or rather, that’s where your money ISN’T. The EXPANSION of your comfort zone is your real money bucket. And getting there means having a different relationship with discomfort. Money […]
When the earth caved in…SPEAKING saved me! (vulnerable)
Shannon here. And today I’m putting down my walls and getting a little vulnerable and transparent about my journey. For those of you who have watched our meteoric rise within the industry, it might seem like Mark and I have been blessed with the golden touch. Yes, it’s true, life is amazing now. In less […]
The Power of DECISION
Mark here with a simple STRATEGY that will make a world of difference in your BUSINESS. The “empowerment” industry is an 11 billion dollar industry, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to carve out a chunk of it and live an amazing life… while helping a lot of people. But most of […]