How Do You Turn Pro and Stop Dabbling?

How do you turn pro and stop dabbling e1552011409890

Why are some speakers making 6-Figure incomes and others are still struggling? It can’t just be “strategy” or working hard – because plenty of broke speakers are working hard, using lots of strategies. And then it came to me – with the help of a cirque de soleil contortionist: Mark and I went to see […]

How to get anyone to say YES with this ONE sentence

How to get anyone to say YES e1552011399840 min

Recently Mark and I hosted the Bay Area Speakers Meetup.  It was HOT! Towards the end, after the dancing and hugging – someone came up to us and asked: “What you guys have done in less than a year is mind-blowing…. how did you do it? I mean, I have no idea how to get […]

Harvard’s Secret Research To Well-Being & Success


Even though we’re all trained (and even teach others!) how to live more vibrant lives – when you try to succeed in your business, you shockingly find yourself lacking enough energy, stretched like a rubber band about to snap.

How to Land a Million Dollar Client

How to Land a Million Dollar Client e1552009297516

One of my mentors has a $4 Million Coaching client.
Actually, he has tens of them.
What’s incredible though, is that his coaching is no different than your coaching.

So how does one business owner charge $4,000 and one $4,000,000 – for the same product?!

Why Clients Don’t Pay You

Why Clients Dont Pay You e1552009286754

I was in a seminar, learning how to start having $10K months – and this 1 question knocked me down.
The question was so basic (only 4 words) but hit me like a bullseye why I wasn’t making money yet.

We Have a Weird Fetish

We Have a Weird Fetish e1552009274819 min

We have a confession…. we have a weird fetish for helping our clients succeed. We can’t help it… we dance around the house like a couple of little kids on too much sugar when our clients make money! We jump for joy when our clients get results. Nothing makes us happier to see them rockin […]