Mark here – and not sure if you know, but back in my “Corporate Days,” I used to work in Radio.
I ran massive radio campaigns for some of the most recognized big businesses in the world.
But I kept on seeing the same mistake when these companies ran their Radio campaigns.
They didn’t have the right STRUCTURE to their message.
So what I did, that turned a 6 figure ad into a multi-million dollar ad – was change the structure.
Think about it:
Let’s say you beginning your message with “Thank you so much for coming today….”
Good idea? No! Here’s why:
You have .02 seconds to get your audiences attention, and if you begin with “Thank You” – you do not grab their attention.
Think of your first .02 seconds as a Headline where your job is to grab their attention so they’re focused on your deeper message.
Obviously there’s a lot more to STRUCTURE – but one thing that’s crucial to you is to understand how to begin, how to engage and how to finish so people want what you have to offer.
Which is why this HOT training is here for you to PREPARE for Big Impact Live.
We’ll go much more in detail into STRUCTURE when we see you at the event – but we wanted to share with you this HOT piece of content so you never make the most common mistake of speakers:
Lack of strategic STRUCTURE.
Comment below what your mistakes you learned in speaking, the whole tribe would learn a ton from your story!
In your corner and by your side,
Mark & Shannon