4 Ways To Get Relaxed – How To Get Relaxed

4 Ways To Get Relaxed How To Get Relaxed 1024x709 min

It’s a dark secret in our industry. Barely talked about or acknowledged…if not ignored completely.

Shannon here – and today’s Big Impact blog is about something close to our hearts:




A colleague of ours recently had heart problems because they over-worked themselves.

Another had to end their partnership and their marriage. We could go on and on – but one thing is for sure:


Conscious Business Owners NEED TO GET RELAXED.


In the speaking industry, you can make a lot of money almost overnight, it can be intoxicating… like you won the lottery- but there’s a danger to going too fast, too hard.

So here is a 4 Part System Mark & I use to ensure we relax as passionately as we serve:


1. Time Block Your Schedule – Just like an important meeting, time block the days off in your schedule to RELAX.

You need AT LEAST 1 day off a week… no exceptions!


2. Calm Your Body – Imagine every single part of your body calming down, being at peace and completely relaxed.

Best to literally instruct each part of the body from your skull to your toes.


3. Be Grateful – In your mind or out loud, let loose and start thanking anything and everything in your reality.

From your best friend to your shoelaces, go hog wild and feel the absolute wonder of gratitude.


4. Dream – Now, once you’re in a real state of calm, let go of what you see and start dreaming.

Dream of every single detail of positive outcomes you’d be thrilled to experience in your life.


Be honest – just reading that made you feel better, right?


Now it’s time to make it your reality… enjoy 🙂


This 4-Part System to Relax can make all the difference in your life and in your work.


Do us a favor? Who’s that someone you know who would LOVE to be more relaxed?

Do you think they’d LOVE this post, would it help them?

If so, be awesome and share it with them.


Thanks – and leave a comment below what your ‘aha moment’ from this post was.

In your corner and by your side,


Mark & Shannon


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