Why Social Media Is a Complete Waste of Your Time

Why Social Media Is a Complete Waste of Your Time 1024x683 min

Shannon here and I KNOW this is tripping you up.

You see all kinds of leaders in the industry with huge social media followings, saying how crucial it is to your business to have a constant, growing social media presence.

They tell you how many times a day you should post, how to grow your business through social media and why it’s absolutely of urgent importance.

After all, if someone hears about you and googles you – if you don’t have a hot social media presence you’re doomed, right?

NO!  Not at all… and the truth is you’ve been lied to.

If what you just read made you stop dead in your tracks, confused about what strategy you need to use to start growing your monthly income – today’s Big Impact Newsletter will be like a breath of fresh air for your conscious business and soul.




One of the most important principles of growing a 6 Figure+ Conscious Business is understanding what phase of business you’re in.

Meaning, if you’re in Phase 1, just getting started trying to land some clients – your strategy will be very different from someone in Phase 3, who’s trying to automate and scale their business.

Most likely you’re in Phase 1 or 2 in your business.

Meaning, you’re not yet making a consistent $10K+ a month or if you are, you’re working around the clock doing it all yourself.

Am I right?

If that’s the case, worrying about all things ‘Phase 3’ and how to automate and scale is a complete waste of your time. Things like:



  • Having a HOT website
  • Doing a big product launch with 10 affiliates
  • Choosing Infusionsoft or Ontraport?
  • Who should manage my 500+ person live event?
  • Getting a hot social media & online presence


Those are all questions and challenges of a business that already has a steady stream of high paying clients.

Those are questions and challenges of a business needing to automate and scale.

You’re probably asking questions like:



  • How do I enroll 3-5 high paying clients before the month ends?
  • How can I get a few months worth of speaking gigs so I’m not hustling all the time?
  • Can I actually do this or should I just get a J.O.B?
  • I’m going to all these networking events… why isn’t it working?  
  • Just tell me what I need to do to get awesome new clients who PAY ME well for my services…


Right? Those are questions and challenges of someone in Phase 1 or 2.

The last thing you need is an effective Social Media Strategy. Here’s why:




Unless you’re some kind of Social Media Guru, who has a locked-in strategy to use Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to land high paying clients to generate a consistent $10K months – it’s a waste of your time.

For most Conscious Business Owners and Speakers – posting all kinds of articles and interesting quotes is not going to land you high paying clients.

Social Media is for Phase 3  businesses, not 1 & 2. The PROOF is in how many CLIENTS you enrolled from any Social Media Posts.

Have you been struggling to leverage Social Media with no results for your business (bottom line, we’re being honest here. Followers don’t matter, paying clients do!)

Let us know what this post did for your mind and soul in the comments, the whole Tribe would LOVE to hear your voice.


In your corner and by your side,

Mark & Shannon

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