Why Your NICHE Feels Like a Bitch

Why Your NICHE Feels Like a Bitch

Mark here with some insight about why your NICHE is such a bitch… and what you can do about it.

Your niche is serving a specific group people with a specific problem.

Why is it so is important to land on your niche and serve the people you’re really called to serve?

Because when you do, everything about your business starts to make sense.

Simple right?

Well for me (and many other Visionaries) my niche was such a bitch..

I wrestled with it for 7 YEARS! I had 11 different iterations… including a website and funnel to go with each one.

It was overwhelming and of course, I wasn’t attracting clients.

You know the drill. You go to training after training, and you’re still struggling.

You have some kind of flabby niche, but as you engage with clients, you start to make distinctions, and then you start tweaking.

And pretty soon you’re tweaking constantly.

You run your latest tweak by your other business friends who haven’t landed on their niche either.

And they’re like, “Yeah, great! Go for it!”

Is that a great idea?

Don’t bother answering.

WE KNOW! It’s like the blind leading the blind — round and round the merry-go-round.

Once you go down that road, you make so many distinctions that you “distinct” yourself right out of effectiveness.

And that SUCKS!

So we want to show you how to make the RIGHT distinctions.

The kind that get you crystal clear on your business so you stop spinning your wheels.

Ready to get off the merry-go-round?

Shout it out right here:

Tell Us Your “Niche is a Bitch” Story and Where You Need Support With Your Niche.

In your corner & by your side,

Mark & Shannon

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