Uplevel your VIBRATION to attract IDEAL CLIENTS

Uplevel your VIBRATION to attract IDEAL CLIENTS


I can feel your pulse in your arm as you’re reading this.

I can absolutely feel it – and I want it to pulse with a special magic, so you start attracting the kind of clients who say, “Yes, I’ll pay you in full right now” instead of, “I can’t afford this right now, maybe some other time.”

Because the way your veins are pulsing make all the difference with the clients you’re attracting.

Let me put it this way: Tony Robbins has people beg to pay him Millions of dollars a year to get his coaching.

He’s pulsating on such a level where the conversation doesn’t even happen where someone says, “You know what? I just can’t afford to pay you $4M”.

That’s already happening for us too.

You’re right – not $4M (yet), but Shannon and I aren’t even having conversations where people tell us, “We can’t afford it”.

The reason is because our veins are pulsing awesome abundant-energy right now.

And I want YOU to start pulsating like that too.

Here’s exactly what Shannon and I do to uplevel our vibration so we attract clients who are AWESOME.

It’s time you did too.

Here we go my friend.



The more you feel into who you’re being called to be – the more you’ll start upleveling your vibrations.

Shannon I started from absolute scratch my friend.

SCRATCH! But the moment we said YES, we were committed to stepping into our calling – not our circumstances.

We kept on feeling into our calling – and we upleveled our game.

It’s something that needs to be so clear to you – that it pulsates from the inner core of who you are.

Not all at once – just be present with it, feel into it – and make it a focus.

Focus on who you’re being called to be – not your circumstances.

It’s time to do this for real, so answer:


What Burning Desire Do You Have Inside You?  
Who Are You Being Called To Be?


Let us know by leaving a comment. Not for us – but for you.

In your corner and by your side,

Mark & Shannon

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