Do YOU Feel Like You’re SPINNING Your Wheels?

Do YOU Feel Like Youre SPINNING Your Wheels

Shannon here with a HOT piece of business for the soul.

This little gem will rock your world, because you already know it.

Because one of the most painful statements the Tribe tells Mark and I is this:

“I’m spinning my wheels! How do I STOP and start getting lasting RESULTS?”

So when Mark and I are on a call with our clients, we always start by asking a simple question:

“Should you really be doing ALL that?”

To which the Tribe always says in a tone that has no hesitancy or doubt: “No”.

Which is why I want to share with you this deep truth.

After working with 1000’s of Speakers, Coaches and Experts, we’ve noticed a very clear pattern why virtually everyone responds, “no.”

The reason you’re spinning your wheels, doing way too much and not generating the results you crave is because of the ‘F’ word:




Spending endless hours on a website, networking, designing beautiful business cards, and listening to OTHER people’s content to no end so you hopefully land new clients is all based on fear.

Afraid of charging what you’re really worth…

Afraid of making a strong offer in an enrollment conversation…

Afraid of starting a new Meetup (even if 3 people show up)….

Afraid of being YOU.

You don’t need a website a business card or an ‘optimized LinkedIn profile’ to generate new clients.

Yes, we’ll give you all the strategies you need.

But it all starts with your inner game. It all starts with LOVE.

When you LOVE yourself and feel empowered like Martin Luther King at the Lincoln Memorial – you won’t be afraid to charge $2-$5K for a 90 day program.

When you LOVE your Tribe – and focus on THEM, their challenges and their needs – you’ll fill yourself up with so much LOVE you can’t help but start a Meetup.

Brothers and sisters – spinning your wheels is based on FEAR.

Lean into LOVE, pure and simple – and watch it all manifest like the miracle you are.

Leave your inspired comment below:


“How Can You Serve From LOVE Today?”



We believe in you!

In your corner and by your side,


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