They left corporate J.O.B’s…to SPEAK?

They left corporate

Shannon here with a short story to light your ass on fire.

Rock Star Royalty, Jim and Cyndi Padilla are one of Big Impacts HOTTEST Rock Stars.

Like you, they struggled to share their message and make a Big Impact before they came to us.

Jim had been a serial entrepreneur & Cyndi worked as a leader in retail.

They both had excellent skills, drive & discipline.

But their lives were anything but powerful.

Stress, overwhelm & financial uncertainty were the daily reminders that kept knocking.

But while attending Big Impact Live – they listened deeply to their intuition and took quick action…And they’ve been ROCKING the f**ing HOUSE with their message.

Just look what note they sent Shannon and I:

From J.O.B to Speaker -

Your heart is beating faster now than it did a few minutes ago for one reason: You KNOW you can SPEAK! You KNOW you can be a Rock Star with your message.

Jim & Cyndi have gone over the last 2 years to generate millions in revenue while attracting some of the biggest clients in the internet marketing & coaching industry.

Once they were strangers – now they’ve become a household name in their industry.

And it all started with a desire for something different.

The Padilla’s simply needed a system that focused all that passion & talent.

Once they had the step-by-step process as laid out in Big Impact University, they were able to turn on their skills & talents & ride the process like hangin’ 10 on a surfboard.

So commit to getting just a few local, small speaking gigs THIS WEEK.

Because speaking is the fastest way to grow you business, make a bigger difference & attract a flood of opportunities all at once.

What would 2 or 3 speaking gigs do for you & your business? Comment below…


“What Inspires You MOST To Start Speaking More?”



YOU can do it… we believe in you!

In your corner & by your side,


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