What a THRILLING ride… this journey of business ownership!
Full of twists and turns and ups and downs… the life of an Entrepreneur is never dull.
One moment you’re on fire and kickin’ ass and the next you’re overwhelmed and steeped in what feels like failure.
If you haven’t yet read the last article on Phase 1 of Business, send us a message… this is a 3-part series blog so be sure to read Phase 1 of Business FIRST.
You’re really going to enjoy this entire series and the role that Public Speaking plays in it.
And if you’ve already read part 1, let’s dive into Phase 2 of Business: Leverage & Team. Let’s go!
The “Business of Speaking” can be a really confusing place.
And unfortunately, few business consultants are able to layout their consulting in a way that helps you escape the uncertainty and overwhelm of building a profitable business.
Phase 1 – Profitability gives you a foundation of clarity and step-by-step action plans to get profitable FAST using Public Speaking
It makes us so sad to see truly brilliant Experts not only remain the ‘best kept secret in town’ but to remain stuck and “spinning their wheels” trying to get their message out.
Even a Master’s Degree, PhD or even an MBA can leave the most talented and educated professionals struggling to make their business work.
Despite all the hard work, effort and discipline… advanced degrees & modalities often don’t teach you how to attract & enroll clients or be profitable in the real world.
That’s a lot of cash for a little piece of paper!
An MBA is great if you want to be hired as an Executive or climb the Corporate ladder… but if you want to be a successful Entrepreneur or Thought Leader, you need specialized knowledge and training.
So hold onto your hat… because this is a ride you’ll remember forever… one full of PROVEN guidance on how to build and grow a profitable speaking business (or add a 6-Figure revenue stream to your current business using speaking)… this is PRICELESS. Read on!
We’re Mark & Shannon, a powerhouse husband and wife trainer team! In our first 10 months of business, we produced over $400,000 in revenue — without a website or even a business card!
We’ve gone on to use this very same system over the last 4.5 years to build a multi-7 figure business.
We’re now the recognized World Authority on the “Business of Speaking” launching Experts, Speakers and Entrepreneurs from 8 different countries, helping them get on the most coveted stages in the world including Tony Robbins, CNN, The View, Good Morning America and Brendon Burchard, just to name a few.
Our specialty is showing you how to grow your business and reach more people through public speaking.
And since those first 10 months, we’ve gone on to work with 1000’s of Experts, Speakers, Authors and Politicians to refine this system into a PROVEN methodology that anyone can use to grow a profitable business…. FAST.
In fact, our community (we call them our TRIBE) has produced over $16,000,000 (that’s MILLION) in revenue in their own businesses using speaking and more specifically our Signature “Speak Your Path To Cash” System… it’s proven… it’s simple… and it works!
And today we’re here to show you the fastest way on planet Earth to attract high paying clients and grow your business!
This article, gives you meat… no fluff… no opinion and no conjecture.
Just solid business acumen that’s proven, deep and real.
We broke it down for you.
No more lack of clarity… no more “spinning your wheels”… no more wondering if you’re just not cut out to be a business owner and should just get a J.O.B (don’t do it… there IS an easier way!)
We’ve mentored 1000’s of successful businesses, large and small, and have found that all the successful businesses follow this blueprint.
And the businesses that struggle… really struggle, are lost in a sea of overwhelm and confusion from doing too many of the wrong things in the wrong order.
Or are doing a lot of the “right” things but in the wrong order.
The key is to learn and master the power of SEQUENCING.
So if you’re wondering how to start a business or how to grow your existing business, read on and learn how Phase 2 of Business can help you spread your message and paid well for your expertise.
PHASE 2: Leverage, Systems & Team
Once you’ve got your foundation built and have consistent leads and sales coming in, your students are engaged and loving all your hot, juicy content, you’ve got a new challenge.
You now have money (you’ve mastered Phase 1 of Business when you’re making about $10K/ month)… but now you’re running out of energy and TIME.
What’s next?
Now it’s time to go from a one man (or woman!) show to a thriving business.
This means amping up everything you’re already doing.
Your stage is about to get a lot bigger, and you need to prepare for that by having SYSTEMS in place that duplicate results without your efforts.
Step 1: Build Your Support Team
You did an AMAZING job by yourself in Phase 1, but you won’t be able to sustain this pace and now it’s time for help.
Your thinking begins to change from “what is my message” to “how do I leverage my time? as a team.
At this point you’re generating a consistent $8K-$12K/ month and it’s time to hire some people to help you out (otherwise you’ll burnout!) Step # 1 is to build your money team.
These are the people who help you leverage your time and expertise so you can keep finances in order and make running your business much easier.
Here is our suggestions and the order we suggest you hire:
1. PERSONAL ASSISTANT: This might be surprising but the very first hire we recommend is a Personal Assistant to help delegate your LIFE… Laundry, Groceries, House Cleaning, Errands, etc.
This is a total game changer and many of you will have to work on your ability to receive.
Most of you have never had someone to do your laundry, wash your dishes, clean your house, or run your errands.
I can hear the old, limiting beliefs of your parents whispering in your ear as you read this…
You’ll be amazed at how a few hundred dollars a month frees you to focus on your genius zone and income producing activities… not the day to day tasks that are better handled by a $20-$25/hr contract employee.
2. CLIENT CARE SPECIALIST: Customer Service, Client Care, Fulfillment Admin
A Client Care Specialist who connects with customers and keeps you free of requests for passwords, emails, training dates, login info, etc will save you hours of time and acres of mental real estate.
Make sure they are an extension of your brand and have an natural altruistic, service based personality.
You Client Care Specialist will support you by handling the day to day details of customer service and support so you can focus on higher leveraged activities. Like speaking!
3. BOOKKEEPER: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivables, P & L, Balance Sheets
It’s critical to get out of your own way when handling finances.
Find a bookkeeper who knows Quickbooks Online so that you know your financial situation.
This makes tax time super simple as everything is organized and at your fingertips.
You can get more and more specific as needs arise, but this core group is essential.
There aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done by yourself.
With this Money Team behind you, you can focus on what needs to be done in order to grow.
Step 2: Align Your Brand with Your Essence

This sounds simple, right? Just “be authentic”.
And yet so many Entrepreneurs completely miss the boat on this.
With DIY resources like WIX and other instant website builders, you’re taking precious time to learn a skill that would be better served outsourced to professionals.
There is SO MUCH to building a really effective website… beyond its colors, fonts, pics and layout.
Hiring a Professional with proven results will save you 10s of 1000s of dollars, hours and hours of banging your head up against the wall.. not to mention, you’re brand will actually be World Class vs amatuer.
Which of course, will help you attract higher caliber clients who happily pay you well for your services & expertise.
Avoid the DIY model when it comes to building a website.
In Phase 2, we suggest starting with a 5 page website that is essentially an online brochure and blog.
These are the pages we suggest
- About
- Blog
- Services
- Contact
- Speaking
This will elevate the results of your speaking gigs as people will go to your website after hearing you Rock Your Talk and see you’ve GONE PRO!
Step 3: Produce Your Own Rockin’ Events & Workshops

If you REALLY want to make a Big Impact in your industry and the world, you have to step up your interactions with your future students.
Start producing your own events and workshops.
Make yourself available.
Get belly to belly with people, help them have breakthroughs and “aha” moments… online is great but nothing replaces LIVE connection.
There are people out there who need your medicine and expertise.
And the best way for them to get it is to experience you in person, by going to one of your events.
While these can be packed with 100s of your raving fans, you can also start with small, intimate groups in your living room!
Create a Signature Event that you get known for and master making your offer from the stage.
Once you master this, you’re able to attract all the clients you need for 6 months to a year.
It takes the pressure off of constant prospecting and you can cruise a little..
Plus have the cash flow to hire the people & resources you need.. even if that’s a tropical vacation or a day at the spa!
When done correctly, you’re Signature Event will get you known and seen as an Industry Leader.
Which means JV & Collaboration Partners comes much easier.
Opportunities start coming to you because you are more visible (no more hiding behind your computer!).
It’s at your live events, retreats and workshops that your clients will experience profound shifts. This is the transformation & connection people are craving.
Look at Tony Robbins.
He started his career promoting seminars for Jim Rohn when he was just 17.
He then started giving his own seminars.
And that led to Robbins releasing infomercials and publicizing his workshops.
That’s how he became recognized as an industry leading Motivational Speaker.
Now, his companies bring in $5 billion annually, and Tony is one of the most recognized Speakers on the planet.
Would any of that be the case if he hadn’t started with his own events and workshops?
And who’s to say you’re not the next Tony Robbins in the making?!
Step 4: Build Your Wealth Team

Now that you’ve got your core Support Team in place, you’re ready to create a Wealth Team to help you expand your message. These people include:
1. SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER: Client Support & Engagement, Social Media Platforms, Online Presence, Basic Marketing and Technology The world of business has evolved from client care to community manager.
Capturing and keeping the attention of both your clients and potential clients is now the domain of customer service and support.
In addition, the Social Media Manager will also coordinate optin pages, landing pages, graphics ect.
2. Copywriter: Sales Letters, Emails, Blog Posts
Copywriting requires time… and while specific areas of your marketing need YOUR voice a lot of the everyday basic communication can be outsourced.
This will save you hours every week as you create compelling content that leads to more speaking gigs, more clients, and greater impact who can produce great copy for content and sales, alike.
3. Certified Public Accountant (CPA): Minimize Taxes & Maximize Profit
Staying in integrity with the IRS will save you stress and frustration in the coming years.
A reputable CPA will help you determine how to spend (or not spend) money based on the numbers of your business.
Having an Expert determine, in advance, estimated quarterly tax payments allows you to get to work doing what you do best.
Your money team is there for you to delegate.
This is one of the biggest challenges as an aspiring Entrepreneur makes her way up the ranks of business.
Your role in Phase 2 (while still booking speaking gigs, rockin’ your talk and converting clients) is to get each of these roles dialed in and jammin’ so you can focus on being the face of your business.
Make sure you’ve got a plan for your new hires.
If they’re working a set amount of hours per week, make sure they’re clear of their priorities and empower them to take ownership of their role and department.
And make sure you have a plan for how to utilize them.
Do you want them in meetings or working on specific projects?
With all new hires, we recommend having a 30-60 day trial period.
Schedule regular check in meetings and keep the communication open so you can see if they’re the right fit.
Once you find a groove together, you can negotiate a longer term agreement.
Your team is your greatest asset, and as the owner of the business, your job is to coordinate your team and make sure everything is running smoothly so you can focus on being the face of the business.
Phase 2 – Leverage is all about leveraging your efforts and building the foundation you need to get Phase 3 – Automation in place.
By focusing on your brand and your team, you’re ensuring you give your business it’s best possible chance of success.
Don’t just skim this phase, invest your time and energy into it… this can often take 18 – 24 months.
The more effort you put into building the “right” team and cementing your brand, the more powerful your business and marketing actions can be.
Stay tuned for the Part 3 of this blog series… Automation & Scale.
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If we can support you in anyway please email us here or call 855-95-SPEAK.