How To Get More YES’s

How To Get More YESs

Her chin moved up about 2 inches…

Then it moved down about 4 inches…

Up for 4… down for 4.

A repetitive motion of the head & neck signifying… YES!

Did you know that when you say yes – it’s a powerful message to your unconscious mind to start accelerating forward?

One of the most important things you can do to generate momentum in your life is to start saying YES significantly more often.

Shannon here and this is straight from one of our Big Impact Rock Stars – and you’re going to LOVE this.

She recently signed up client after client, to generate over $20,000 in one month – her best month so far!

She then hired her first personal assistant (what Mark and I recommend be your first hire once you’re profitable) and continues to rock and roll.

In her mastermind, she vocalized in utter gratitude how far she’s come.

When asked how she’s done all this – she replied with this gem of truth.

“I started saying YES A LOT!”

She explained how she said YES to earning more, giving more, playing more, praying more. YES to herself… more. She said YES to Big Impact University and YES to her greater calling.

To go pro, you have to embody a YES energy.

The more you radiate YES, the more your clients will be attracted to you. It’s an almost unconscious attraction – but they want you.

Because they see you as a YES to their own need to transform.

So let me know:


How Will You Uplevel YOUR ‘Yes Energy’ This Week?


In your corner and by your side,

Mark & Shannon

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