It’s Time To Fall Flat On Your Face [Splat]

Its Time To Fall Flat On Your Face

Here’s a HOT secret you’re absolutely NOT going to love.

So … why would I tell it to you?

Because the faster you know it, learn it and use it – the faster you’re going to GO PRO with your message.

Shannon here, and this is one of the MOST IMPORTANT reasons why Mark & I got to $400,000 in our first 10 months from scratch (without a website or even business cards).

It’s also why our high end clients are such Rock Stars, generating $10-50K months after struggling for years. Here it is:



Sound confusing?

It shouldn’t be.

This means don’t freak out if you get on a small speaking stage – and your talk doesn’t rock.

Because then you’ll just get better and better.

Because you’re learning what works, and more importantly … what doesn’t.

It means if you’re on a strategy session and they say no, then that’s a good thing.

Get a no.

And then get another.

Repeat 15 times.

Guess what happens?

You’re getting better.

Soon you’ll be smoother on your delivery, get clearer on the most common objections, and anticipate exactly how the call will flow.

(Just look how our rock star client Matteus used this to land his first 3K client!)

Fail Fast -

If you think Martin Luther King gave his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech for the first time in front of hundreds of thousands of people – he didn’t.

That famous speech was tweaked, fine tuned and delivered so many times before he finally gave it in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

THAT’s how he gave such an epic speech.

He practiced it over and over and over and over again until he was ready to rock it.

So here’s your assignment for this week:

How Can You Practice “Failing Forward Fast” This Week?

Let us know in the comments below how you plan on failing forward fast this week to ROCK your Big Impact in this world.

You’ll inspire the hell out of the Tribe.

In your corner and by your side,

Mark & Shannon

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