The Power of DECISION

The Power of DECISION

Mark here with a simple STRATEGY that will make a world of difference in your BUSINESS.

The “empowerment” industry is an 11 billion dollar industry, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to carve out a chunk of it and live an amazing life… while helping a lot of people.

But most of you aren’t doing that.

You know why? Because the people who are called to this industry have been doing the work and love it!

They know when they need to skill up and get help, and they’ve been doing that for years.

The problem is they aren’t living what they teach!

They’re not walking their talk.

And look, if that’s you, don’t worry.

We were doing that too, at one point.

It’s part of the process of learning who you are and what you’re good at.

But here’s the thing; there comes a time when you have to get real and teach what you know.

It’s a matter of integrity, and the time is now.

Part of that is teaching what you need to learn.

Now. that doesn’t mean pretending to be something you’re not.

It means being who you really are.

This causes you to start thinking like a visionary, and that’s a beautiful thing.

But there’s a downside here, too.

As your thinking expands, you create problems with your niche.

So how do you decide on where to focus?

It’s simple.

You make a decision.

There’s enormous power in that.

The Latin root of the word “decision” means to “cut off.”

You eliminate Plan B, meaning you cut the crap, cut off your escape routes, and cut all the other BS.

You stop believing the stories of lack… you stop telling yourself about how hard it is, and you stop telling yourself how you can’t do it.

Because here’s the deal: Any decision is better than no decision.

So commit to making a decision on who you’re meant to serve.

Yes, it will make you uncomfortable.

Yes your brain is going to fight you.

Yes, your stomach may feel like it’s on a rollercoaster as your body tries to get you to do what’s comfortable and safe.

Do it anyway.

In fact, do it TODAY.

Close the door, clear your space, and turn off your ringers.

Maybe even pour yourself a glass of wine and light a candle.

Take a deep breath, and then get to WORK! And prove it to the Tribe by telling us,

What 1 Decision Can You Make Today To Start Living Your Calling?

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